Her Infernal Majesty. It was the height of the COVID storm, a time when uncertainty clung to the air like a suffocating fog, and the ceaseless barrage of information offered little solace. Society seemed to unravel at the seams, and in the midst of this chaos, we were all forced to confront the darker […]
CARMILLA – the story of two s*x workers
model: @odiosa.mente photographer: @donamarco
“Why should I be ashamed to describe what nature was not ashamed to create?” – Pietro Aretino Today we bring you a highly erotic feature … captured so well in black and white which allows the distractions to fade and the emotion to come to the forefront. The woman in this shoot is pregnant .. […]
look closely. Photographer: 2nd Life Photography Models: @hellohoebag and @riaaahxoxo
Fluid Exchange
photos: greenexgreene
Close and Together
Photographer: Luke Miller @ekul.drawde.rellim Models: Zoë Robinson @zoegracedominica and Mason Lewis @mace_x
Cthonia: The Operating Theatre [Verse VI]
Model: @wagner.anna.lisa Photographer: @theblackwizards666
Cthonia: Le Film est d’Elle [Verse IV]
This shoot was done over video chat during COVID-19 quarantine. Photographer: @theblackwizards666 / Model: @anna_lisa_wagner
Cthonia: Lucretia [Verse III]
A continuation to this story here, we have another dark shoot for your enjoyment today. If that isn’t dark enough for you, we dare you to watch this video. Photographer: Luis Martinez / Model: @thenudefeline
Threesome Art
“So? There’s two of us and one of you, and whenever we feel like it, we can be three. That’s love too, you know.” ― S. Dora, Three
A Morning Date
“But when a woman decides to sleep with a man, there is no wall she will not scale, no fortress she will not destroy, no moral consideration she will not ignore at its very root: there is no God worth worrying about.” ― Gabriel García Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera
Cthonia: Verses I & II
Verse I: As Above So Below Verse II: Apokalypso Photographer: Luis Martinez Models: @ogsvnny and @killerkisa
Better in Boots
“Yeah, you know I love you in a tight dress But you’re, oh my God, slippin’ out of it You turn me on, girl, you know you do But you tear me up even better in boots” – Tyler Farr