Statues and empires are all at your hands, Water to wine and the finest of sands When all that you have’s turnin’ stale and its cold, Oh you’ll no longer fear when your heart’s turned to gold – Imagine Dragons
Far Beyond Driven – Side A & Side B
There’s a flip side to every story
House Cat
“I’m a woman and I can’t be taken for granted.” ― Catwoman
Not Always What They Seem
“Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.” ― Phaedrus
Forest Nymph
“She’s a tangled mess of wild- a forest nymph, a goddess child. She’s like the seductive sea – feral and fierce, calm and serene. She’s the starfish swimming in my soul, the woman child who keeps me sane, who keeps me whole.” ― Melody Lee
Library Swing
“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.” ― Jorge Luis Borges
Dusk at Sandy Hook
“Twilight fell: The sky turned to a light, dusky purple littered with tiny silver stars.” – JK Rowling
White Space
The empty spaces of your soul are the ones you search for, pray for and want so desperately to be filled.
No Need to Enhance Reality
Everything you can imagine is real – Pablo Picasso
You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away
Hey, you’ve got to hide your love away. – The Beatles
Seeing Double
photography: @blanclegray
All Saints Day
‘You cannot be half a saint; you must be a whole saint or no saint at all’ – St. Therese of Lisieux
Urban Eroticism
Aesthetic emotion puts man in a state favorable to the reception of erotic emotion… Art is the accomplice of love. Take love away and there is no longer art. — Remy de Gourmont, 1858-1915, French poet