Uncovered. Uncensored.

We believe that art and expression should not be stifled. That the human body and sex is to be celebrated, and not hidden away.

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“Art is a harmony parallel with nature.” -Paul Cezanne. Photographer: Zeno Gill Photography Model: Henna Nueller Makeup: Aviva Leah

The Art of Self

expression is an inner demon. on one hand, it screams at us to validate ourselves, and on the other hand, it wants to be an artist that doesn’t give a fuck about what anyone else thinks. and so the self portrait is born … our worst criticism of ourselves, and yet the big middle finger […]

Wet & Rocky

Sun, water, and skin collide in this artistic session featuring the beauty of the human body juxtaposed against the beauty and roughness of nature. Model @hellohoebag Photographer @2ndlifephotography


“Why should I be ashamed to describe what nature was not ashamed to create?” – Pietro Aretino Today we bring you a highly erotic feature … captured so well in black and white which allows the distractions to fade and the emotion to come to the forefront. The woman in this shoot is pregnant .. […]

Two Lights

“Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien credits: @a.m.whispers @hot.cup.of.tea @gabrielle.ferragamo.g @eslapierlee @sweeetbabyrae @morgan.macneil @emmasimard

At the Edge of the World

They came to sit & dangle their feet off the edge of the world & after awhile they forgot everything but the good & true things they would do someday. –  Brian Andreas Model – Melissa Mariah @melissamariahhh Model – Vanessa @vanerpoz Photographer – Julio Rodriguez @ovids_exhibit

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