Photographer: Luis Martinez Model: @collibrina
Maybe The Last Time. I Don’t Know.
Photographer: Bill Hart French Model: Yong-Chin Breslin
The Dancer
Dancers don’t need wings to fly.
Wild Fire
Models: Lusciously Lex @lusciously.lex.xo / Justin @jahoag_ / Alvina @blondeambition96 / Amanda Lynn @amandalynn_model / Gene @genemarieallure / Photographer: Amir @shotsbyamir
In the Nature
Nature holds us together. We are born from the earth, from dust, from DNA. Mother Nature is always calling us back to her.
The Woman Behind the Kimono: Virtual Shoot
Another virtual shoot …. more creative ways to express. Photographer: JAMomentos / Model: @maki.expression
Brett on the Rocks
The desert is a place to hide. To grow. To flourish. To die. It’s relentless and yet beautiful. Life is hard to find, and the ones that do live there stand out even more. Model: @officialbrettanne / Photog:@randyammonsphotography
Amanda Rose at Home: Virtual Shoot
Another Facetime shoot … another creative collaboration across great distances made possible. Love how this one turned out. Photography: The Artist Finch / Model: Amanda Rose
Ginger at Home: Virtual Shoot
We’ve loved featuring these creative Facetime shoots done at home, virtually – so we decided to create some of our own. Here’s the first with Texas model, Ginger La Roux – Photography: The Artist Finch for NART Magazine / Model: Ginger La Roux
Girl Power
When girls get together, great things happen.
The Black Swan: Virtual Shoot
Photographers and models have taken to creative ways to get shoots done during COVID-19, like this Facetime shoot. Photographer: @jamomentos / Model: @aldana.gariniani
In the Desert
Model: Brett Anne Barletta / Photographer: Randy Ammons / Retoucher: Dilz Dilz
Cthonia: Le Film est d’Elle [Verse IV]
This shoot was done over video chat during COVID-19 quarantine. Photographer: @theblackwizards666 / Model: @anna_lisa_wagner