A continuation to this story here, we have another dark shoot for your enjoyment today. If that isn’t dark enough for you, we dare you to watch this video. Photographer: Luis Martinez / Model: @thenudefeline
Dark and Light
The darkness and the light were all the same to her
A Quarantine Shoot
These days, quarantine life is norm in light of COVID19. Some photographers are breaking out trying to find new ways to do photography, and shoots through video chat have started to grow in popularity. It’s a safe and social distanced way to take pictures, and also feels a bit voyeuristic. Today we explore one of […]
Moody Nude
Woman, nude, is the blue sky. Clouds and garments are an obstacle to contemplation. Beauty and infinity would be gazed upon unveiled. – Victor Hugo
Taken by a Window
But when I wasn’t working, I was usually at a window looking down at Earth. Sally Ride
Art in Wet Plates
I had been shooting nudes in the landscape for a number of years when I became fascinated by the personalities of the diverse models I photographed. Many of them travelled around the world making a living posing for photographers. They all had stories about their experiences, some good, some bad. I decided I wanted to […]
Threesome Art
“So? There’s two of us and one of you, and whenever we feel like it, we can be three. That’s love too, you know.” ― S. Dora, Three
Cold Morning
Winter is coming …
Against the Wall
When you feel trapped, your soul can still break free.
Alena in Shadow
The day and night were the same to her … she could see in all of them.
Light and Shadows
photographer (and to purchase more): Velvet Art by Carter
Inside the Lake House
“We do not always have a choice in where and how and whom, and love gives us the courage to withstand that which we never thought we could.” – The Lake House
Nu dans le jardin botanique
She wished for a place to escape, and she found it.