photo by E. Thomas Photography Want to submit something for a feature? Use the form below! We’ll get back to you within 5 business days. Name *Email *Website Link *Your Social Media Links or Handles *Instagram and Facebook linksName of Submission (if you had to title it) *Are you submitting for? *Website FeaturePrint Magazine FeatureAny ConsiderationWhat category would you place this in? ArtSexSkinLink to Images being Submitted: *We accept Dropbox or Google photo links (make sure they are publicly shared) Pixieset galleries, or other photo gallery systems. Please do not use WeTransfer, we no longer accept that. IMPORTANT: we need 10-30 images at least 1500px wide, no watermarks Permissions *I certify that I have the appropriate model releases and have permission from the subjects involved to be publishedI am the copyright holder of these images, or have explicit written permission to share from the copyright holderCredits *please list any credits (model / makeup etc) with website and social media linksMessageSubmit